Our Board of Directors is made up of Co-op Owners, elected by fellow Owners, who volunteer their time to act on the community's behalf to ensure a vibrant cooperative vision for the store. They develop and maintain policies to provide overall direction and ensure the long-range security and viability of the Co-op, developing policies necessary to carry out the Board's duties and the Co-op's functions.
The Board does this through the following:
- Creating and sustaining a relationship with the Member-Ownership.
- Hiring and overseeing the work of the General Manager.
- Planning yearly goals for the organization.
- Creating committees to accomplish large-scale projects.
- Ongoing education, training, and recruitment for the Board.
- The Board of Directors does not make decisions about or become involved with any of the day-to-day activities or decisions regarding the operations of the store. The Board’s sole connection to operations is through the General Manager.
The Board and General Manager report to you, the Owners, on the state of the Co-op at our Annual Owners' Meeting. Most importantly, you support the growth and mission of the Co-op through your patronage and loyalty. If you'd like to find out more, board meetings are open to all Owners as observers. Board meetings are currently being held in hybrid form, both in-person in the Community Room and virtually via video conference. If you'd like to attend, click the Contact the Board of Directors button below to request a link for the next meeting.
Meet Our Board of Directors