Jeff McCarthy runs Breadservice, a micro-bakery and certified home kitchen based in Greensboro, NC. It started as a hobby by Jeff who is a baker and chef with 20 years of professional pastry chef and general restaurant kitchen experience.
Jeff has been supplying Deep Roots Market with his product since January 2022. He is a stay-at-home dad to their two kids and started teaching himself how to bake naturally-leavened sourdough bread during his daughter’s naptimes when she was just a year old. Producing more bread than the family could eat at home, he offered it up on the local social media app Nextdoor, and Breadservice was born!
Jeff is assisted by his wife Ingrid, also a former restaurant industry professional. They bake a variety of sourdough breads and baked goods for subscription bakes during the week (picked up at his home) and for Deep Roots.
Jeff stays away from certification labels; he enjoys keeping the business small and contained. He gets his flour from nearby Old Guilford Mill which helps him produce his Sourdough, Whole Grain, and Toasted Oat loaves. Staying community-focused is a driving force for Breadservice.
Deep Roots Market is one of the first markets he visited with his young family after moving here!

Camino Bakery
How many years in operation? 11 years in June!
How long vending at Deep Roots Market? 7 years in July!
List your products we carry, including seasonal: Freshly baked breads (sourdoughs, multigrains, french breads), house-made pastries including vegan and gluten-free options, cheesecakes made in-house, holiday offerings.
What certifications do you have? Vegan/GF/kosher/Non-GMO/other specialties you focus on. We make VGF (uncertified) pastries!
How has the pandemic shifted your operation? We have had to constantly refine, re-examine, and adjust our staffing needs, production needs/costs, logistics, and operations - not to mention the heavy stress of operating during a pandemic. Most importantly, we have wanted to keep our priorities straight: our people, the quality of the products we create, and the community we hope to inspire. Keeping these at the forefront of what we did never steered us wrong during the pandemic. But, man oh man, we can't wait to be finally cleared of this thing!
What inspired you to start your product/farm? Camino is inspired by the Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage in Spain that encourages travelers to connect with themselves, nature, and one another. Along the trail, strangers become quick friends gathered around a table of fresh foods, and we wanted to bring this same sentiment to our hometown of Winston-Salem, NC. We are food-centered but community-driven, and we wouldn't want to be any other way.
What would you like for our customers to know about you? Our core values are empathy, creativity, authenticity, inclusivity, and collaboration. We believe that good things take time, and food made in the traditional craft can sometimes take days to get just right. We take this approach on all of our bread + pastries, never including preservatives, but always giving each product the time and intentionality it needs to come out just right.

Congolina Farm
Congolina Farm's vegetables are grown with love and a lot of hard work – not synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides. Instead, they use compost and organic-certified products, and non-GMO seeds. To protect their vegetable friends from the cold and the heat in the field, they cover them with agricultural fabric, plastic tunnels, and shade cloth. In spring and fall, they grow snap peas, leeks, beets, spinach, chard, turnips, arugula, and lettuce. Summer crops are tomatoes, beans, edamame, cucumbers, lettuce, and arugula.
Beth and Ray took on farming in their retirement years and have been at it for a decade. They do lots of community volunteering and are affordable housing advocates. Beth is on the Board of Mustard Seed Community Health which operates a clinic for people without insurance. Many patients are immigrants and refugees. Ray is a Guardian at Litem for many foster children. They have worked at the intersection of housing and health for 15-20 years.
Congolina means Congo + Carolina. There are several Congolese families that farm with them and have their own gardens mostly growing for people from Africa that are homesick for African food.
Ray, who grew up on a farm, saw some vacant land and a farmhouse in Browns Summit and talked the owner into selling it. He offered the space up to other families to plant gardens, growing mostly African foods for which they are homesick. One rule is it has to be organic. They decide how land is sorted out, provide well water, and whatever tools they have, and can bring to farmers' markets, feed families, or sell to friends.

Fading D Farm
Profile coming soon!

Firsthand Foods
Firsthand Foods is a women-owned meat company based in Durham, North Carolina that sells pasture-raised local beef, pork, and lamb.
They source all of their livestock from a remarkable network of 35 independent farmers who raise their animals humanely outdoors on pasture without growth-promoting antibiotics or added hormones.
Their meats are fabricated at nearby USDA-inspected, Animal Welfare Approved family-run meat processing plants.
Firsthand Foods' team is great to work with and their meat is delicious. Plus, when you purchase their products, you are directly supporting the livelihood of local farmers and processors who are vital to the resiliency of our food community.

Kendall's Garden
Kendall's Garden is located just north of Greensboro by the Haw River. This coming season will be our second season and we are so excited to provide the community with organically grown produce for another year through Deep Roots and other outlets!
Our goal is to focus on growing quality produce for the local community. We are firm believers that one's health is directly related to the quality and purity of the food and water consumed. Therefore, growing high-quality organic vegetables is Kendall's Garden's top priority.
Kendall's Garden is excited to expand this year by starting to grow flowers in addition to vegetables. Now our customers will be able to have a beautiful bouquet and lots of organically grown produce to take home!

PaleoLove Company
Mary Kay Farley started PaleoLove in 2016. Inspired by her daughter who had developed autoimmune disorders, including celiac, which necessitated a diet with no grains or sugars. By tweaking some available recipes, MaryKay created a grain-free granola free of refined sugars. MaryKay is a certified Functional Nutrition Counselor in addition to running PaleoLove.
The bulk of what she produces is organic. She has been supplying Deep Roots Market since 2018 after meeting General Manager Nicole at a local Gluten Free Expo.
She uses Out of the Garden Project's facilities to produce her product and after a lull during the pandemic, business is on the upswing. In addition to Deep Roots, she also places her products at REI. This includes her “Mama Bear Shots” to add to tea, coffee, or where ever you would like to add good quality fats to a beverage. The shots are made with ghee and organic coconut oil and come in various flavors including Cacao, Mexican, Golden, and Chai.