Ever wondered about the shelf life of bulk food items? While you won't find an expiration date on the bulk labels (unless it has been packaged by us) there is a recommended shelf life and storage requirement that we follow and have included below for you. This list comes straight from SunRidge Farms, a family-owned and operated manufacturer and distributor of certified organic and natural foods, both bulk and packaged that makes up the majority of our bulk foods.
This list should help you see how long you can keep your bulk items. When our items are not on the floor we keep them refrigerated in the back to ensure optimal freshness. We also rotate out each bin every two months emptying the contents and cleaning the containers. Food does not stay long on the floor and our grocery staff is refilling the bins on a daily basis.
With the affordability of buying in bulk, eating healthy also means saving money and preserving the environment. It is not the "normal" way we are used to buying our food, and not always the quickest (takes some planning and forethought). But its short and long-term benefits on your grocery costs and our planet are exponential. We are here for any and all questions and hope to see you by the bins!